PSY 201:  Neuroanatomy

Click here to download PSY 201 files on 4SHARED
PSY 201 Syllabus for AY 2011-2012 (to be uploaded upon retrieval of softcopy from Dr. de Guzman)
Click here to download Seat Plan Instructions/Template
College of Science CALENDAR 2011-2012
File Size: 144 kb
File Type: pdf
Download File


  • MONDAY (October 3):  Due to the fact that we have finished the coverage for the Finals in the Syllabus, I will not hold classes during this day.  I also have an important appointment with my dentist on this day which was schedule more than a week ago prior to the rescheduling of Final Exams Period.
  • 1Psy2 & 1Psy3 Class Presidents:  Retrieve all your test papers from the Psychology Department ASAP.  They are inside a black box at the reception, beside the couch.
  • COVERAGE FOR FINAL EXAM:  Medulla to Cerebrum (will NOT include pathways)
  • Tips for final exam:  Do NOT forget to bring your test permit.  Scantron Cards will be used so bring both pencils and pens.  Read the chapters of the book very carefully, use the Powerpoint Presentations as your guide, and your quizzes as your reviewer.  Pray for guidance and wisdom!  And... HAVE A GREAT SEM BREAK!!!  :-)

  • Quiz 2 (Interbrain, Cerebellum & Basal Ganglia) will push through on Friday (September 30) during our regular class schedule.

ASSIGNMENT (September 26): 
Submission of Reflection Papers

  • All class presidents, please take charge of this important assignment.
  • Total of 15 individual reflection papers per class (composed of class officers + chosen students in your section) must be submitted by each section.
  • Format:  One-page short bond paper (Letter size = 8.5”x11”), single spaced, Arial font, 11pt font size;  Full Name and Section (flush left) on first 2 lines, “Reflection paper on Neuroanatomy” on 3rd line, contents in paragraph/essay format.
  • Contents:   Significant lessons you learned in our subject, benefits of your experience in class on your future career, and other personal learning/reflection points.
  • Class presidents must collect reflection papers, arrange alphabetically and submit to me on or before September 29 (Thursday), 1:00PM, at the Department of Psychology.

ANNOUNCEMENT (September 17):
  • Quiz 1 on Medulla and Pons is on Friday, September 16.
  • Quiz 2 on Cerebellum, Interbrain, Basal Ganglia & Limbic System is on Wednesday (September 28).

  • Medulla discussion will be continued and finished this week.  Prepare to start with Pons discussion.
  • Prelim Grades will also be given before the week ends.

  • Prelim coverage:  Introduction up to Spinal Cord (plus, corresponding chapters in the textbook).
  • Prelim test types:  Morse & True/False (90 POINTS TOTAL)
  • For schedule of exam, please refer to the posted announcements on the Dean's Office bulletin board.
  • For a copy of the Quiz 1 questionnaire for review purposes, it is available on 4shared for 24 hours (until Monday afternoon).
  • For announcements on Quiz 2, check this site next weekend.


  • QUIZ 1 will be on Monday, July 11  (COVERAGE: Presentation 1 and the corresponding chapters in your textbook).
  • Download and bring to class the NEUROANATOMY2 file from 4shared site.  Discussion on Macroscopic View of NS will continue on Wednesday, July 13.
  • Assignment:  Submit 5 samples of cutaneous receptors.  Illustrate the location and discuss the function of each. Print your research on 1-3 pages of short bond paper (8.5"x11" letter size).  On page 1, the 1st line on the upper left hand corner (flush left) must be your FULL NAME (surname first) and the 2nd line (below your name) must be your SECTION.  On the last page, list down all references and sources.  Deadline of submission is Wednesday, July 13.

  • I have lost my voice over the weekend.  Thus, I cannot attend our class until I get it back.  I apologize for the inconvenience.  SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:  If our class is in between your other classes, you need to quietly stay inside the classroom and wait for your next class.  No loitering.  If our class is your 1st for the day, you may arrive later in time for your 2nd class.  If our class is your last class for the day, you may go home early.
  • CLASS PRESIDENTS:  Please be guided accordingly.  You will be held responsible for ensuring discipline in the class to not disrupt other classes going on in adjacent rooms. 
  • ASSIGNMENT:  Go to the 4shared site, download and print the PDF file containing the 1st Powerpoint Presentation for the semester.  Study the contents and prepare for recitation during class.  You are required to bring the printed copy of the 1st Powerpoint Presentation in class when I get back and during every Neuroanatomy class.
  • You do not need your textbook until the discussion on "Microscopic Basis of Neuroanatomy."  Thus, for those who would like to buy the book from the Psychology Department, you need to wait until I get back as you can only purchase the book through me to maintain order and avoid inconveniencing other professors in the office.
  • CLASS SECRETARIES:  New Deadline of submission of Seat Plan is MONDAY, June 27, 5:00pm.
  • CLASS PRESIDENTS & TREASURERS:  Please finalize the list of students in your class who would like to buy the book from the Psychology Department.  You may retrieve the list template from Laboratory 11 (4th Floor of Main Building).  Treasurers must start collecting payments for the book as they will only be released to fully paid students.  You must wait until I get back for the submission of payment, retrieval of books, and distribution.